The Biggest Reason Micromobility Personal Electric Vehicles are Booming

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Micromobility devices, such as electric bicycles, scooters, Onewheels, unicycles, and skateboards, have gained immense popularity, experiencing remarkable growth during the pandemic. The surge in demand for these electric mobility options has put pressure on distributors to keep up.

The growth in Personal Electric Vehicles (PEVs) can be attributed to several factors. The proliferation of rental electric scooters and bikes in major cities exposed people to micromobility’s convenience and affordability. When the pandemic led to the removal of rental fleets, many turned to ownership for their personal transportation.

Micromobility serves as a solution for avoiding crowded public transport, maintaining social distancing, and offering efficient last-mile travel. It offers diverse options for urban commuting.

What sets micromobility apart is its ability to transform childhood modes of transportation into appealing options for adults. Electric motors, lithium batteries, and gyroscopes make devices like electric skateboards, scooters, and unicycles attractive to people of all ages. The fun factor of riding these vehicles brings back a sense of wonder.

The boom in micromobility can be attributed to an abundance of options, advanced technology, lower costs, increased reliability, and the availability of excellent warranties, support, and maintenance from trusted vendors like Ewheels. This combination, along with pandemic-induced demand, has placed micromobility at a significant inflection point, contributing to its remarkable growth.

Keep reading our FULL article here.


  1. I’ve been following your commentary and videos recently, and I think you sold me with this line: “The Onewheel does that for people, especially middle aged men.” 🤣 I’m 31.

    Ironically, I only discovered you, the community, and technology after moving to Taiwan from Denver, where I had been for 5 years. I’m will likely dive in despite the logistical annoyance and added expense of shipping accessories out here.

    Thank you for all your in-depths that ask the right questions.

    1. You should look up Michael Hsu in Taiwan. He’s a big onewheel fan out there. I hope to visit one day.

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