Why Portland is the Best City for Personal Electric Vehicles

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Portland, Oregon, is an exceptional city for personal electric vehicles (PEVs) and offers a unique and welcoming environment for micromobility enthusiasts. This PEV-friendly city boasts several characteristics that set it apart:

  1. Uniqueness and Weirdness: Portland embraces the motto “Keep Portland Weird.” This open-mindedness aligns well with the unconventional nature of PEVs like electric unicycles and Onewheels. Riding these devices in Portland is just another day in this eccentric city.
  2. Infrastructure: Portland has invested heavily in bike and PEV infrastructure since 2010. Their goal to reduce car reliance and boost bike culture has made it evident that the city is committed to eco-friendly transportation options.
  3. Foresight: The city’s 2010 vision document included plans for flexible and agile responses to new transportation trends, like PEVs. This forward-thinking approach ensures that Portland can accommodate evolving technologies.
  4. Sharing the Road: Instead of outright bans, Portland has been proactive in integrating PEVs into its transportation system. This acceptance and willingness to share the road contribute to its PEV friendliness.
  5. Active PEV Community: Portland’s active PEV community regularly organizes group rides and events, fostering a sense of camaraderie among enthusiasts. It’s an excellent way for riders to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other.
  6. PEV Champions: The city has dedicated individuals, like Robert David Cyders, who played a pivotal role in shaping the PEV culture in Portland. Their efforts in uniting riders, ensuring safety, and encouraging new enthusiasts have left a lasting legacy.
  7. Local Support: Local businesses like REVrides offer sales and maintenance support for PEVs, making it convenient for riders to keep their devices in top condition.

In summary, Portland’s unique atmosphere, infrastructure, foresight, and welcoming approach to PEVs make it a top destination for micromobility enthusiasts. It’s a city where “keeping it weird” goes hand in hand with embracing the unconventional world of personal electric vehicles, making it an ideal place to explore on your electric scooter, Onewheel, or e-bike while connecting with a vibrant community of fellow riders.

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